COVID Vaccine

Once you schedule your appointments, you’ll receive a confirmation and vaccination consent form via email. Bring the completed vaccination consent form to your scheduled appointment (or fill it out in store). A parent or guardian must be present at appointments for all minors.

Pfizer Vaccine is Available

No appointment necessary.

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(973) 837-8770

(973) 837-8770

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Questions & Answers

What is the difference between the pediatric and the one approved for adults?

The Pfizer‐BioNTech COVID‐19 vaccine for children 5 to 11 years of age is a lower dose (10 micrograms) than that for individuals ages 12 years and older (30 micrograms).

What do parents need to know about the safety of the vaccine?

On October 29, the FDA expanded the Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer‐BioNTech COVID‐19 vaccine to include children 5 to 11 years of age. The FDA has determined that the Pfizer vaccine has met the appropriate criteria and will be an effective tool in preventing COVID‐19 among this age group. For more specific details, we recommend reaching out to the manufacturer.

What happens if my child experiences side effects?

According to the CDC, children may have some side effects following the COVID‐19 vaccine, which are normal signs that their body is building protection. Common side effects include pain and swelling on the arm where they got the shot, headache, fever, chills, tiredness, and fatigue throughout the rest of their body. If a child is experiencing side effects, families should consult with their pediatrician.

Is there anything parents need to know or bring in order to get their kids vaccinated?

Families interested in receiving the Pfizer‐BioNTech COVID‐19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 years are strongly encouraged to make an appointment at for the next available vaccine appointment

I want to be there with my child during his/her vaccination, can I hold my child in my lap or be in the room?

Yes, parents and guardians must accompany children receiving their vaccine and are often encouraged to hold the child during the administration of the vaccine to help them hold still and stay calm.

Who is eligible to get a VOID-19 booster shot?

Federal guidelines recommend that fully vaccinated people 18 and older get a booster shot after a specified amount of time has passed since their initial vaccination.

Boosters are recommended for individuals 18 and older who:

  • Completed their initial series the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine at least six months ago.
  • Received their initial shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two months ago.

Those eligible for a booster shot can receive any of the three vaccines as a booster, regardless of which brand they received initially.

What are the benefits of receiving an additional does of the COVID-19 vaccine?

CDC studies show that moderately to severely immunocompromised people may not build the same levels of immunity against COVID-19 after vaccination as non-immunocompromised people. Individuals with low or no protection after 2 doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are more vulnerable to serious COVID-19 illness. The CDC recommends an additional dose for improved protection against COVID-19 after the initial 2 doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and to prevent life-threatening COVID-19 illness. There is currently not enough data to determine whether an additional dose is recommended for immunocompromised people who received the Johnson & Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine.

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